Enriching the educational experience

The CUAA Simulation program provides an environment where you can apply the knowledge, skills and values learned in the classroom and 技能实验室oratory into weekly simulated nursing practice

Starting in your first semester in the Ronald and Marvel Jones School of Nursing curriculum, a unique opportunity awaits you. The Simulation program offers participants a health care environment under the guidance of human patient simulation experts. From the beginning, you will practice inter-disciplinary care to meet the demand of the twenty-first century health care environment fully immersed in an RN role.


The state-of-the-art simulation center includes five hospital rooms, 一套公寓, 一座教堂, 和法庭. These rooms can be configured for a variety of different inpatient and outpatient settings including; home care, 儿科, adult medical surgical, community nursing, and OB delivery. For more of a deep dive onto our simulation labs, check out our Ronald and Marvel Jones School of Nursing Simulation Lab brochure!


While in Simulation, you are also utilizing the latest technology found in hospital settings including medication dispensing units, electronic health records, infusion pumps, and ceiling lifts. Meanwhile, a robust video capturing system enables you to view and reflect on your experience. Six debriefing suites equipped with large screen monitors allow students and instructors alike to critique and cultivate their practice.

Concordia has 13 high-fidelity simulation mannequins including, "Bernadette" a one-of-a-kind Lifecast simulator using 3D imaging of real people. Each of the manikins offer its own nuanced capabilities, including software that allows the manikins to authentically cry, 流血, blink and even give birth - allowing optimal learning opportunities for nursing students.

Our Simulation Center 教师

Anita Simmons RN, MSN
Director of Simulation and Inter-professional education

Anita has over 20 years nursing experience in med/surg, dialysis, hospice, and nursing education. 15 of those years have involved work in a variety of teaching positions including nursing clinicals, 技能实验室, and simulation lab. She earned her MSN with a focus on nursing education and has practiced in simulation ever since.


Betsy Cambridge RN, BSN
Simulation Education Specialist

Betsy obtained her nursing degree from the University of Michigan and brings 30 years of nursing experience in a variety of care settings to share with students.  She has been teaching for 9 years both in the 技能实验室 and in the simulation center. She is passionate about helping students learn to critically think and problem solve while caring for patients with complex needs.


Ben Oliver BS, AEMT-P I/C
Chief Simulation Specialist

Ben has been a 护理人员 for over 28 years. His teaching background includes Medical First Responder, EMT, 护理人员, and Nursing continuing educational programs. He currently has several certifications and licenses which enable him to maintain the well-being and overall performance of mannequins of all fidelities.